How well can you predict the passage of time? What about when you’re exercising? A study with the School of Sport and Exercise Science is currently investigating whether exercise intensity, that being light, moderate and hard, alters the way we perceive the passage of time. Theory suggests that as our physical sensations amass during physical exertion (e.g. temperature, acute discomfort, breathing rate etc…) our “emotional reservoir” begins to fill up. This has been proposed to alter our perception of the passage of time. Just think how your perception of time speeded up when you last watched a great film at the cinema? Or, how your perception of time slowed down when you were last waiting for a bus or train? The study aims, for the first time, to investigate whether as we exercise we are less accurate in estimating (i.e. forecasting) a pre-determined task end-point. That being, does our perception of time speed-up or slow-down when we place our bodies under strain?