Monday 2nd December 5 – 6 pm within the Human Performance Centre, University of Lincoln
Are treadmills an effective assessment tool?
The purpose of this first PESPConnect workshop will be to explore the validity of laboratory-based treadmill assessment as a means of evaluating physiological capability and capacity. Given these are the most frequently used of assessment tools in exercise physiology is it right we should place so much faith and trust in them?
Monday 13th January 5- 6 pm within the Human Performance Centre, University of Lincoln
Safe and effective assessment procedures during exercise to exhaustion
The purpose of this second PESPConnect workshop will be to explore how to conduct an exercise test to exhaustion in a safe and effective manner. By developing and utilizing a ‘tick-sheet’ approach all aspects linked to participant and researcher safety will be reviewed, as well as adherence to codes of practice set out within a typical Sport Science Performance Centre.
Monday 3rd February 5- 6 pm within the Human Performance Centre, University of Lincoln
Measuring our perceptual work during exercise: What is currently available to us in Exercise Physiology?
The purpose of this third PESPConnect workshop will be to examine the varying tools we currently use to measure perceptual work during physical activity. In understanding both the strengths and limitations of measures such as RPE, Affect and TEA we can begin to appreciate their value as well as their shortcomings.